Control, genomes and environment (F215)


A level Biology Mind Map on Control, genomes and environment (F215), created by eleanorvann96 on 24/10/2013.
Mind Map by eleanorvann96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eleanorvann96 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Control, genomes and environment (F215)
  1. DNA - translations, mutations and coding
    1. Genes code fo polypeptides including enzymes.
      1. The sequence of the bases on a gene is a code with instructions for the construction of proteins. It had a no. of characteristics:
        1. It has a triplet code - 3 bases of an amino acid
          1. It is a degenerate code - All amino acids but one has more than one code.
            1. it is widespread but not universal - Codons generally always code for the same amino acid in every organism but it is not always the case.
            2. Transcription is the creation of a single-stranded mRNA copy of the DNA coding strand.
              1. The lac operon
                1. Genes and body plans
                  1. Apoptosis
                    1. Meiosis and the significance
                      1. Genetic diagrams
                        1. Gene loci
                          1. Determining sex
                            1. Population gentics
                              1. Role of genes and environment
                                1. What is a species?
                                  1. Selection
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