Inglish work final .D


Julian Camilo Mosquera Serna
Mind Map by Julian Camilo Mosquera Serna, updated more than 1 year ago
Julian Camilo Mosquera Serna
Created by Julian Camilo Mosquera Serna almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Inglish work final .D
  1. Modal verbs: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should. What are the Modal verbs = on auxiliary verbs used for expressing an opinion about whether something is probable or possible. We also use them when talking about ability, asking for permission, or making a request.
    1. Grammar is simply the way we combine words so that other people can understand us. Then it should say: "She is drinking a bottle of water." ("He's drinking a bottle of water.") What if I say, "She is bottling a drink of water"?
      1. The strengths of this period were that I learned many things for English and the weaknesses were that you have made it difficult for me to understand and my expectations are for the other period is to continue learning more to improve speaking English
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