Chronic Asthma


Mind Map on Chronic Asthma, created by Patricia McCalli on 08/07/2015.
Patricia McCalli
Mind Map by Patricia McCalli, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia McCalli
Created by Patricia McCalli over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chronic Asthma
  1. epidemiology: 24.6 million American's have asthma, 7 million of them are children. Asthma often starts during childhood, occurs more in boys than girls
    1. pathophysiology: Inflamed airways that are swollen, very sensitive , tend to act strongly to inhaled substances, increase amount of mucous causes increased narrowing to airways
      1. diagnosis: based on medical and family history, physical exam, allergy testing, measurement of sensitivity of airways if appropriate
      2. clinical presentation: short of breath, wheezing, tight neck muscles, unable to lay flat and complain of chest pain
        1. treatment: bronchodilators, cortisone drugs by nebulizer, leukotriene receptor antagonist, expectorants and antihistamines
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