Error Corrections


Error correction mind map.
Michael chang
Mind Map by Michael chang, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael chang
Created by Michael chang over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Error Corrections
  1. Definition
    1. Error: errors appear due to the lack of knowledge.
      1. Source of Errors
        1. Interlingual
          1. Eg. Is the dog of my friend.(spanish: es el perro de mi amigo).
          2. Intralingual
            1. Eg. The bird flyed away.
            2. Simplification
              1. Eg. I bought two mango.
              2. Induced
                1. Enviromental
                  1. Eg. nuthi'n
              3. Mistakes: mistakes appear not because of lack of knowledgen in fact you know the answer but not in the moment.
              4. Techniques
                1. Self-correction
                  1. Rephrasing question
                    1. Generating simple sentences
                      1. Pinpointing
                        1. Cueing
                          1. Questioning
                            1. Explaining key words
                              1. Repetition
                                1. Grammatical terms
                                  1. Gestures
                                    1. Discrimination excercises
                                      1. Peer correction
                                        1. Paraphrasing
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