

A springboard of ideas to help A level fina art students explore notions about the them 'Sanctuary' with helpful ideas and links.
Mind Map by dianehamnett, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dianehamnett over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Safe
    1. Impenetrable
      1. Secret
        1. Religious Protection
          1. Politicalprotection
            1. Famine
              1. War
                1. Dissent
                  1. Sexual difference
                    1. Religious persecution
                      1. Ana Maria pacheco
                      2. Sarah Lucas
                      3. Kathe Kollowiz
                      4. Chapman Bros
                        1. Goya
                          1. Mona Hatoum
                          2. Live Aid
                        2. Safe haven
                          1. Weather events
                            1. Earthquakes
                              1. Serious accidents
                                1. Domestic violence
                                  1. Abuse
                                    1. Arranged marriage
                                      1. The Uninvited Guest Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale
                                      2. Marcus Harvey
                                      3. Nan Goldin
                                      4. The Raft of the Medusa
                                      5. Doris Salcedo. Shibboleth
                                      6. Turner
                                      7. Animal and insects nests etc
                                        1. Thomas Heatherwick
                                          1. The Eden Project.
                                            1. Social Influences
                                            2. Under the bed
                                              1. In your head
                                                1. Music
                                                  1. Drugs
                                                    1. Alcohol
                                                      1. L'Absinthe by Degas.
                                                      2. Anorexia
                                                        1. Egon Schiele
                                                        2. PippaLotte Rist
                                                        3. Pinaree Sanpitak
                                                        4. Tracey Emin
                                                        5. Gillian Wearing
                                                        6. Miroslaw Balka
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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