Crude Oil and Fuels


GCSE Chemistry Mind Map on Crude Oil and Fuels, created by Nuala Glasheen on 13/07/2015.
Nuala Glasheen
Mind Map by Nuala Glasheen, updated more than 1 year ago
Nuala Glasheen
Created by Nuala Glasheen over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Crude Oil and Fuels
  1. Crude Oil
    1. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons.
      1. These are separated into useful products, such as fuels, using a process called fractional distillation.
        1. The demand for short hydrocarbon molecules is greater than their supply in crude oil, so a reaction called cracking is used.
          1. Cracking converts long alkane molecules into shorter alkanes and alkenes, which are more useful.
        2. unrefined petroleum derived from fossils in the ground
        3. Hydrocarbon Fuels
          1. Most fuels contain carbon and/or hydrogen
            1. During combustion gasses are released into the atmosphere
              1. Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Minoxide
                1. These do damage to our atmosphere
                  1. Global Warming
                    1. Biofuels, including biodiesel and ethanol, are produced from plant material.
                      1. There are economic, ethical and environmental issues surrounding their use.
                2. Combustion - Burning something
                3. Hydrocarbons
                  1. Alkanes
                    1. Carbons and hydrogens with only single bonds
                      1. In cracking these molecules are made into alkenes
                    2. Alkenes
                      1. Hydrogens and carbons with double bonds
                      2. Properties
                        1. Generally they have high boiling points
                          1. Highly Flammable
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