Decimals L1


Decimal numbers have two parts: a whole number part and a part that is less than 1 . The two parts are separated by a decimal point.
Lee Holness
Mind Map by Lee Holness, updated more than 1 year ago
Lee Holness
Created by Lee Holness over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Decimals L1
  1. measurement
    1. Time
      1. 2.45pm
      2. Length
        1. 4.8m
        2. Weight
          1. 2.2Kg
          2. Capacity
            1. 1.5L
            2. Money
              1. £'s / p
                1. £3.50
              2. Temperature
                1. Celsius
                  1. 36.8 C
              3. Placevalue
                1. Decimal point
                  1. (.)
                  2. Tenths
                    1. 0.1
                    2. Hundredths
                      1. 0.01
                      2. Thousandths
                        1. 0.001
                      3. Reading decimals
                        1. 24.8
                          1. twenty four point eight
                          2. 1.75
                            1. one point seven five
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