Nikhil Sikri (CEO)


Reporting Mechanism
Ritesh Kumar
Mind Map by Ritesh Kumar, updated more than 1 year ago
Ritesh Kumar
Created by Ritesh Kumar over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Nikhil Sikri (CEO)
  1. AKhil Sikri (CTO)
    1. Mohit Kataria
      1. Madan Lal
        1. Cyril Vargis
          1. Biak
            1. Pranav
              1. Soumitra
              2. Sneha Choudhry (COO)
                1. Ritesh Kumar
                  1. Madhukar
                    1. Himanshu
                    2. Toqueer
                      1. Gouse
                      2. Sayon
                        1. Sparsh
                        2. Aditya
                        3. Isha Choudhry
                          1. Ramesh Ji
                            1. Prakash
                            2. Deepak
                          2. Shiva
                            1. Richa
                              1. Shilpa
                                1. Ding
                                  1. Charan
                                    1. Sharan
                                    2. HR
                                      1. Finance
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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