Religion, War & Peace_1


Summary of course for Religion War & Peace for AQA GCSE RS
Mind Map by glynmcmillan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by glynmcmillan about 9 years ago
Copied by glynmcmillan about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Religion, War & Peace_1
  1. Peace, justice and the sanctity of life
    1. Peace
      1. Absence of conflict which leads to happiness
      2. Justice
        1. Bringing about what is right and fair according to the law.
        2. The sanctity of life
          1. Life is sacred because it is God given.
          2. PeaceMaker
            1. A group to help young people resolve conflict.
          3. The causes of war
            1. Conflict
              1. A state of discord or war.
              2. Why people go to war
                1. Defend - country, belief, religion, freedom, allies.
                  1. Remove a leader
                    1. Gain land, wealth, power or important resources.
                      1. Stop genocide
                      2. Recent wars
                        1. Falklands, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria
                        2. Consequences of war
                          1. Positive - freedom from corrupt government.
                            1. Negative - death, injury, damage to economy
                          2. Pacifism
                            1. Pacifist beliefs
                              1. The belief that all killing and violence is wrong.
                              2. Christians & pacifism
                                1. Jesus taught non violence and forgiveness so they follow His example.
                                2. Turning the Tide
                                  1. A Quaker pacifist group
                                3. 'Just War' & 'Holy War'
                                  1. Just War
                                    1. 7 conditions are necessary for it to be just
                                    2. Holy War
                                      1. Fighting for a religious cause of God.
                                      2. Christianity & war
                                        1. Some accept the need for war to overthrow injustice.
                                      3. Victims of war
                                        1. The Movement in action
                                          1. Different parts of the Movement play different roles.
                                          2. The Red Cross
                                            1. A humanitarian agency that helps people suffering from war or other disasters.
                                            2. Three parts of the Movement
                                              1. ICRC, RED CROSS & RED CRESCENT, IF
                                            3. Religious believers who have worked for peace
                                              1. The Dalai Lama
                                                1. China invaded Tibet, he escaped to India.
                                                  1. Worked for the preservation of Tibetan culture peacefully.
                                                  2. Irena Sendler
                                                    1. A Polish Roman Catholic
                                                      1. Helped Jews as part of the Polish resistance.
                                                        1. Tortured by Nazi police but survived.
                                                      2. Keeping the peace in times of terror
                                                        1. The United Nations
                                                          1. An organization set up at the end of WWII to prevent war by discussing problems between countries.
                                                          2. NATO
                                                            1. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, an alliance formed to prevent war in Europe
                                                            2. Terrorism
                                                              1. The unlawful use of extreme violence, usually against innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal.
                                                            3. Weapons of mass destruction
                                                              1. Biological
                                                                1. They have bacteria, viruses or other infective material which can lead to death.
                                                                2. Chemical
                                                                  1. Banned but used in WWI by both sides.
                                                                  2. Nuclear
                                                                    1. Radioactive bombs dropped by America on Japan at the end of WWII.
                                                                    2. Arguments for:
                                                                      1. Act as a deterrent, prevent attack, vulnerable without them.
                                                                      2. Arguments against:
                                                                        1. CND protest against all nuclear weapons.
                                                                      3. KEY TEACHINGS
                                                                        1. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.
                                                                          1. God gives live and God takes it away
                                                                            1. Do not murder.
                                                                              1. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.
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