Age-dating middle distillate fuel releases


Mind Map on Age-dating middle distillate fuel releases, created by mschlitt on 16/07/2015.
Mind Map by mschlitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mschlitt over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Age-dating middle distillate fuel releases
  1. Site History
    1. Date when petroleum was first observed
      1. Age of UST
        1. Calculation of petroleum quantity in the subsurface
        2. On-site Environmental Conditions
          1. Depth to ground water
            1. Lithology & texture of geologic materials
              1. Geochemical & biochemical conditions of soil
                1. Biological conditions
                  1. Overlying soil cover
                  2. Extent and magnitude of known impact
                    1. Condition and Age of UST (or other source)
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