

04/05/2021 Imedia assessment
Cyrus Slater
Mind Map by Cyrus Slater, updated more than 1 year ago
Cyrus Slater
Created by Cyrus Slater almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Formats
    1. Videos
      1. On the website
        1. On TV
        2. Posters
          1. Leaflets
            1. Adverts in Magazines
            2. Where to advertise
              1. UK Tv channels
                1. Sports Channels
                2. Hand out leaflets in the participating cities
                  1. Glasgow
                    1. London
                      1. Birmingham
                        1. Leeds
                          1. Belfast
                            1. Cardiff
                            2. Posters in Stadiums
                              1. Social Media
                                1. Sport group/forums/websites
                              2. Target audience
                                1. Young Adults
                                  1. UK residents near or in cities
                                    1. Active people
                                    2. Designs
                                      1. Colour schemes
                                        1. Natural colours
                                          1. Grass Green
                                            1. Sky Blue
                                          2. Fonts
                                            1. Rounded, not square pointed fonts
                                              1. Comic Sans
                                              2. Fonts with character, not Arial
                                                1. Balloonist
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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