How does Steinbeck evoke the readers sympathy for Curley's Wife?


Mind Map on How does Steinbeck evoke the readers sympathy for Curley's Wife?, created by megan.charlton on 28/10/2013.
Mind Map by megan.charlton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by megan.charlton about 11 years ago

Resource summary

How does Steinbeck evoke the readers sympathy for Curley's Wife?
  1. 'Curley's Wife'
    1. No Name
      1. No Identitiy
        1. No respect for women
          1. Context = Women were of less importance
            1. Belongs to husband
              1. His property
                1. She is looked at as a weaker character
    2. Appearance
      1. Repeated through the book
        1. 'Rouged Lips'
          1. Colour Red
            1. Contrast of danger and romance
              1. Forshadowing her death
                1. Sympathetic
                2. Provocative and promiscuous
                  1. Unsympathetic
        2. How she is represented
          1. Characters opinions
            1. 'Tart'
              1. Wants attention
                1. Lonely
            2. 'She's got the eye'
              1. Untrustworthy
                1. Unsympathetic
                2. Lonely, wants some attention
                  1. Sympathetic
              2. Normal person
                1. Dreams
                  1. 'I coulda made somethin' of myself'
                    1. like the others
                      1. weak and hopeful
                        1. Naive
                        2. Shoiws she is a human and not just curley's wife
                  2. Escape
                    1. Sympathetic
                      1. Bad childhood so ran away from home
                        1. Lonely
                      2. Unsympathetic
                        1. Married Curley to escape
                          1. lonely but she chose it
                      3. Death
                        1. Misunderstood
                          1. vulnerable
                            1. 'sweet and young'
                              1. pure and innocent
                                1. we were quick to judge
                          2. 'her lips were parted'
                            1. contrast to previous description
                              1. opens up to audience and shows peace
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