
The Greatest Battle..that never happened
Hans Corpuz
Mind Map by Hans Corpuz, updated more than 1 year ago
Hans Corpuz
Created by Hans Corpuz almost 9 years ago

Resource summary



  • Operation: Downfall is an Allied operation set to 1946, however since the war ended in September 2, 1945, the Operation was discontinued.
  • The main objective of Operation : Downfall is to attack mainland Japan and ,by this, cripple Japan's capacity to make war. 
    1. ALLIED
      1. America


        • Fighting on both the Pacific and European front, the U.S.A. became the most flexible fighting force  during World War 2
        1. Operation Olympic


          • The U.S. Joint Chief of staff  scheduled Operation Olympic on November 1, 1946
          1. Landings on Kyushu ( South Island of Japan )


            • The landings on Kyushu meant that the U.S. can slowly creep up towards Japan.
          2. Operation Coronet


            • Operation Coronet would come after the Landings on Kyushu. However no exact date was given as even Operation Olympic was cancelled. 
            1. Landings on the beaches of Tokyo


              • The capturing of Kyushu could have given the U.S. enough space to stage another landing on the beaches of Tokyo.
          3. U.S.S.R.


            • The U.S.S.R. ( Russia ) became a key player in the war because of their huge numbers of soldiers. Fighting the Wermacht before the Americans entered the war, they only had one objective, " Defend Motherland Russia"
            1. Attack full force from the west through China


              • On August 8, 1945, the U.S.S.R. declared war on Japan. If Operation Downfall did happen, then the Soviets would have staged another invasion from the West through China.
          4. AXIS
            1. Japan
              1. Defend the Homeland
          5. CAUSES


            • Of course the main cause of Operation : Downfall IS World War 2. This was just another stepping stone to win the war by force.
            1. If the bombs didn't force Japan to surrender


              • Of course no one who created Operation Downfall knew about the Manhattan Project. 
              • If the bombs didn't force Japan to surrender, it would have been catastrophic as the next step would include the U.S. using atomic bombs as mere ground support.
              1. If the U.S. Fleet managed to enter Japanese seas


                • By the time Japan's Fleet was completely destroyed by the U.S. were already at the door step of Japan. It only took a single command ( Operation : Downfall ) to trigger a massacre from the sea.
                1. IF WORLD WAR 2 DIDN'T END
                2. CONSEQUENSES
                  1. Mass production of prototype weapons


                    • Huge numbers on new weapons were planned to operate in Operation Downfall, however, because Japan surrendered, these technological breakthrough vehicles became nothing more than a distant memory. 
                    1. T-28 Heavy Tank Destroyer


                      • The T-28 " Super Heavy Tank" was intended to appear on the European Campaign to combat the German King Tiger II.
                      • During Operation : Downfall, about 25 vehicles where ordered to roll across Japan, this however was discontinued after Japan surrendered, thus only 2 T-28's where made.
                      1. "Little" David Siege Gun


                        • This American made siege gun was built to destroy heavy enemy fortifications that land forces knew would be common across mainland Japan.
                        • The 914-mm gun would have dwarfed the German Schwerer Gustav Railgun, which was, by that time, the biggest piece of Artillery ever constructed.
                        1. F8F Bearcat


                          • Produced only in limited numbers, the F8F Bearcat would have been used in battle in Operation Downfall.
                          • Its top speed and agility would have made it more superior that the Japanese Zero. 
                        2. Another 10 Million Casualties to the War
                          1. Japan Economic Downfall
                            1. Another Korea- like situation ( Divided into North Japan and South Japan )
                              1. Due to conflicting ideas of Communism ( U.S.S.R. ) and Capitalism ( U.S.A.)
                              2. More than 5 million casualties
                                1. Soldiers
                                  1. Civilians
                                  2. Huge amounts of infrastructure damage
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