CPP - Module 6


CPP- Module 6 - Death benefit
Mind Map by kavita.batra, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kavita.batra over 9 years ago

Resource summary

CPP - Module 6
  1. Death Benefit - 37.5 h
    1. 6.7 Workbook - 81 Qs
      1. 6.1 Death benefit Eligibility - 10 Qs
        1. Definition of Death benefit
          1. Condition of Eligibility
            1. Application in writing
              1. The contributor is deceased
                1. Minimum qualifying period (MPQ)
                  1. Other provision affecting eligibility
                    1. Disability exclusion
                      1. Child rearing provision (CRP)
                        1. +65 Qualifying provision
                          1. Credit splitting
                            1. Quiz - 4 Qs
                      2. 6.2 Screening Death benefit Applications - 16 Qs
                        1. Review of DTH application completeness
                          1. Mandatory and optional benefits
                            1. Supporting documentation
                              1. Birth evidence
                                1. Death evidence
                                  1. Presumption of death
                                    1. Certifying documentation on the application
                                      1. Determining payee for DTH benefit
                                        1. Payment to the estate
                                          1. No estate
                                            1. Institution or person who has paid, or is responsible for the funeral expenses
                                              1. Next of kin
                                                1. Spouse or common-law
                                                2. Waivers
                                                  1. Payment in special circumstances
                                                    1. Split payment
                                                      1. Contesting applications
                                                        1. Applications from funeral homes or aboriginal peoples
                                                          1. Quiz - 3 Qs
                                              2. 6.3 Death Benefit Calculation - 12 Qs
                                                1. Death benefit formulae
                                                  1. Effective Jan 1, 1998
                                                    1. Priori to jan 1, 1998
                                                      1. Sample Calculation
                                                        1. Quiz - 5 Qs
                                                    2. 6.4 System Input - 9 Qs
                                                      1. Account Status
                                                        1. ITRDS Data Capture
                                                          1. Release a suspended benefit
                                                            1. Remove existing VTW
                                                              1. Add a contact
                                                                1. Modify a payee
                                                                  1. Data Capture - DTH screen
                                                                    1. Examples
                                                                      1. Applicant is executor, legal rep or administrator appointed by court
                                                                        1. Applicant other than executor, legal rep or administrator appointed
                                                                          1. Death benefit great 2/3 of 10% of YMPE
                                                                            1. Multiple applications from the same applicant
                                                                              1. Contesting applications:executor and then for Estate of
                                                                                1. On-application with co-executors
                                                                                  1. Force deny application
                                                                                    1. recovering a CPP bebefit overpayment from a death benefit
                                                                                      1. Recovering an OAS overpayment from a death benefit
                                                                                        1. Quiz - 4 Qs
                                                                                          1. Contesting application: 2 for estate of applicant, both eligible: pay by priorty payment
                                                                                  2. 6.5 System Output - 3 Qs
                                                                                    1. System Output products
                                                                                      1. ITRDS Updates
                                                                                        1. benefit screen
                                                                                          1. Adjudication détails screen
                                                                                            1. selected earnings screen
                                                                                              1. Monetary screen
                                                                                                1. Notice of entitlement (NOE)
                                                                                                  1. Payment
                                                                                                    1. ITRDS payment screen
                                                                                                      1. Death benefit denied
                                                                                                        1. Automatically denied
                                                                                                          1. Force denied
                                                                                                          2. Quiz - 2 Qs
                                                                                                  2. FINAL EXAM - 13 Qs
                                                                                                  3. 6.6 Kool Tool


                                                                                                    • - Steps to Processing a Death Benefit Application - Death Benefit Calculation - MQP for a Death Benefit
                                                                                                    1. 6.0 Introduction
                                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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