Properties of Substances


Properties of substance
Mind Map by syikinnnasir, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by syikinnnasir about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Properties of Substances
  1. Ions
    1. A charged particle. A neutral atom that loses electrons becomes a positive ion but atom that gains electron becomes a negative ion
      1. Type of particles:- consists negative ions and positive ions
        1. Condition at room temperature:- solid
          1. Boiling and melting point:- high
            1. Arrangement of particles:- very close
              1. Forces of attraction:- Strong, through ionic bonding
                1. Electrical conductivity:- Cannot conduct electric in molten state but can conduct electric in aqueous or molten states
                2. Atoms
                  1. The smallest, indivisible particle of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction
                    1. Type of particles:- consist of atoms
                      1. Condition at room temperature:- solid except mercury
                        1. Boiling and melting point:- high
                          1. Arrangement of particles:- very close
                            1. Forces of attraction between particles:- very strong through metallis bonding
                              1. Electrical conductivity:- conducts electricity in solid and molten states
                              2. Molecules
                                1. Consists of two or more atoms of the same type or of different types that chemically combined together
                                  1. Type of particles:- consists of molecules
                                    1. Condition at room temperature:- solid, liquid, gas
                                      1. Boiling point and melting point:- low
                                        1. Arrangement of particles:- solid: very close, liquid: close, gas: far apart
                                          1. Forces of attraction:- weak, through van der Waals forces
                                            1. Electrical conductivity:- cannot conduct electricity
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