

Cambridge UCAT Mind Map on Arrows, created by Maaka Pakaa on 19/07/2021.
Maaka Pakaa
Mind Map by Maaka Pakaa, updated more than 1 year ago
Maaka Pakaa
Created by Maaka Pakaa over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Formulaic: Uses the number of directions of each arrow in a frame and a formula to determine how many colours there are of the arrows
    1. If there are n number of directions there is n-1 numbers of colours
      1. If there are n number of directions there is n-2 numbers of arrows
      2. Orientation: The orientation of the arrows and an additional shape (triangle) is the basis of the rule
        1. There are 5 arrows that point in all directions except one. The triangle present is facing in the direction that the arrows did not point towards
          1. There are 4 arrows that point in all directions except one. The triangle present is facing in the direction that the arrows did not point towards
          2. Rotation: The arrow is rotated 90 degrees from where the triangle is pointed. There is always a shape of a particular colour at the bottom of the frame
            1. The arrow is rotated 90 degrees clockwise from where the triangle is pointed. There is always a black circle in the bottom left corner
              1. The arrow is rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise from where the triangle is pointed. There is always a white circle in the bottom left corner
              2. Constant: There is a constant arrow colour(s) pointing in a particular direction
                1. There is always 1 white arrow pointing to the right
                  1. There are always 2 black arrows pointing left
                  2. Formulaic: The number of one type of shape is equal to that of another
                    1. The number of upwards facings arrowheads equals the number of shapes
                      1. The number of upwards facing arrowheads is equal to 1 less than the number of shapes
                      2. Formulaic: The number of a particular type of arrow is greater than that of another
                        1. There are more black arrows than grey arrows. White arrows and direction are distractors
                          1. There are more grey arrows than black arrows. White arrows and direction are distractors
                          2. Formulaic: There is a specific number of arrows for a particular shape(s)
                            1. For every triangle, there are 2 arrows pointing upwards. For every circle there is one arrow pointing downwards
                              1. For every triangle, there are 2 arrows pointing downwards. For every circle there is one arrow poiting upwards
                              2. Constant: There is a certain number of arrows facing a particular direction. A triangle is always present
                                1. There are 6 arrows with 2 of them facing left. There is a triangle in the bottom left corner
                                  1. There are 6 arrows with 2 of them facing right. There is a triangle in the bottom right corner.
                                  2. Constant: Arrows facing a particular direction, regardless of what the other arrows do
                                    1. There are 4 triangles each containing 3 arrows. The arrows in the bottom left triangle all face inwards
                                      1. There are 4 triangles each containing 3 arrows. The arrows in the bottom right triangle all face inwards
                                      2. Formulaic: The number of arrows determines how many shapes are present
                                        1. The number of upwards facing arrows equals the number of shapes
                                          1. The number of upwards facing arrows is 1 less than the number of shapes
                                          2. Formulaic: The number of arrows pointing a particular direction affects the number of arrows pointing another direction
                                            1. The number of upwards facing arrows is equal to the number of downwards facing arrows
                                              1. The number of left-facing arrows is equal to the number of right-facing arrows
                                              2. Formulaic: The number of arrows facing a particular direction affects the number of arrows facing another direction
                                                1. The number of arrowheads facing left equals the number of arrowheads facing right. Arrowheads up or down are distractors
                                                  1. The number of arrowheads facing upwards equals the number of arrowheads facing downwards. Arrowheads facing left and right are distractors
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