Kendler et al 1991:
Studied 2000 female
twins & found a
concordance rate of
23% in monozygotic
twins & 9% in
dizygotic twins
Carraso 2000 :
Found bulimic
patients had lower
levels of serotonin,
causing this to be a
possible cause.
Bruch 1962: Body-Image distortion hypothesis
Individuals with an eating disorder have
delusions they are fat.
Polivy & Herman 1985 :
Cognitive inhibition, All or
nothing judgement,Binge
Media, Celebrities & Propaganda
Social Pressure & Culture
Biomedical: SSRI is used to cure depression
that is a cause factor for binging and
purging - Serotonin levels are increased
without altering the noradrenaline levels
Group therapy
McKisack et al. 1997 :
Found that if patients
had similar
characteristics the
therapy was longer
and dealt with
intensive sessions
plus additional
Schmidt et al. 2007:
Compared a test of
CBT to family therapy
in a group of 85
adolescents. It was
also said that this
resolves the disorder
faster than other types
of treatments.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy addresses
"the cognitive aspects of bulimia, such as
obsession with body weight, dichotomous
thinking (an all-or nothing view of one-self)
and negative self-image in combination
with behavioral components of the disease
such as binge eating and vomiting”
Wilson 1996:
Found CBT was
very successful,
and that if
medication, such
as Prozac, and
CBT where
combined as a
whole treatment,
the success rate
of recovery would
we doubled
Eating disorder
General Population Rate
2% of adults (can be
considered as age rate)
Cultural Rates
Similar prevalence
rates from US
found in Japan,
Norway and some
European countries
More common in
industrialized and
Gender Rates
Female:Male:: 10:1
2-3 % of women
0.02-0.03% of men