Employee Benefits


Summary of employee benefits
Mind Map by reonajankiparsad, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
meyer cohn
Created by meyer cohn about 9 years ago
Copied by reonajankiparsad about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Employee Benefits
  1. Short-term benefits
    1. Wages, salaries, social security contributions, annual leave, sick leave, profit-sharing, bonuses and non-monetary benefits(medical care, etc).
      1. Normal accrual accounting
      2. ST paid absences
        1. Accum. ST absences
          1. Vesting ?
            1. Entitled to cash when leaving
              1. Raise entire liability
            2. Non- vesting ?
              1. Not entitled to cash
                1. Raise expected liability
            3. Non-accum. ST absences
              1. Not entitled to cash
                1. Recognise only when leave will be taken in leave cycle
              2. Amount = Expected no. days leave might be taken X tariff p/day
            4. Post-employment benefits
              1. Defined contribution plans (provident fund)
                1. Defined benefit plans
                2. Disclosure note
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                  Impairment of assets
                  meyer cohn
                  meyer cohn
                  Intangible assets (IA)
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                  Share-based payments
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                  Financial instruments
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                  Revenue from contracts with customers
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                  Earnings per share (EPS)
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                  Foreign exchange rates
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                  PPE summary
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                  meyer cohn