Possible searches


202 lit review
Jin Young Hwang
Mind Map by Jin Young Hwang, updated more than 1 year ago
Jin Young Hwang
Created by Jin Young Hwang over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Possible searches
  1. Housing
    1. burden
      1. financial burden
      2. Kitchen
        1. bathroom
          1. toilet
          2. assistants
            1. cleaner
              1. household assistant
              2. bedroom
                1. bed
                2. additions
                  1. ramp
                    1. handles
                  2. New Zealand
                    1. Aoteaora
                      1. NZ
                      2. government funding
                        1. funding
                          1. benefit
                          2. disability
                            1. mental
                              1. physical
                                1. hearing
                                  1. sight
                                    1. mobility
                                      1. unaffected
                                        1. affected
                                    2. eligibility/criteria
                                      1. state housing
                                        1. benefits
                                          1. funds for house modification
                                            1. elderly
                                              1. removal from home
                                                1. case study
                                                  1. age in place
                                                2. possible sources
                                                  1. census
                                                    1. statsnz
                                                      1. HNZC
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