The Nazis and propaganda_1


Mind Map on The Nazis and propaganda_1, created by Michelle Kondylis on 24/08/2015.
Michelle Kondylis
Mind Map by Michelle Kondylis, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Rattan Bhorjee
Created by Rattan Bhorjee about 9 years ago
Michelle Kondylis
Copied by Michelle Kondylis about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Nazis and propaganda_1
  1. Cinema
    1. Goebbels had a great interest in Cinema and appreciated its value as a method of putting across Nazi ideas.
      1. The Nazis produces around 1,300 films during their period in power. However only about 200 were Propaganda films. He realised that Germans wanted to be entertained and would be bored with conspicuous propaganda films.
        1. High quality films were produced with subtle Nazi messages about national sacrifice, the superiority of the Aryan race, anti-semitism and the evils of Communism. Cinemas were well attended and with every fim shown there was a 45 minute newsreel about the success of Hitler and the Nazis.
        2. 1936 Berlin Olympics
          1. This provided an ideal oppurtunity for the regime to advertise its success. A vast new stadium that could seat 110,000 was built. Filming of the events was under of the well known German film director Leni Reifenstahl.
            1. Germany won far more more medals than any other nation, this appeared to show the superiority of the Aryan race. However, Jesse Owens, a black athelete, won four gold medals and seemed to disprove Hitler's theory of Aryan superiority.
            2. Rallies
              1. Image was very important for the Nazis, people would believe that Hitler was making Germany great if they could see it.
                1. Geobbels organised mass rallies and marches that projected the image of power and terror. Every year a party rally was held at Nuremberg (seen above).
                2. Posters
                  1. These had been successful in promoting Nazi ideals in the years before Hitler came to power and were used extensively to put across the Nazi message and create the Hitler myth.
                    1. The poster reads: "This hand leads the Reich. Young Germans follow it in the ranks!".
                    2. Radio
                      1. This was perhaphs Goebbels' greatest success, because it offered the Nais access to the homes of ordinary people.
                        1. In March 1933, he told controllers of German radio: "I consider radio to be the most crucial instrument that exists for influencing the masses".
                          1. He ordered the mass production of cheap radios so that by 1939 around 70% of German homes had a radio. In addition, people were encouraged to listen to radiobroadcasts in factories, bars and Cafes. Loudspeakers were even erected in streets to relay important Nazi messages.
                          2. Culture
                            1. The nazis had strong objections to modern forms of culture, they despised modern art, progressive theatre and Jazz music.
                              1. They used all culture as a method of promoting their ideals.
                                1. Artists were encouraged to use 'Aryan Themes' such as family, national community and heroism.
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