

A mindmap on the 'Radioactivity' topic for AQA GCSE Physics.
Alfonzzzo R
Mind Map by Alfonzzzo R, updated more than 1 year ago
Alfonzzzo R
Created by Alfonzzzo R over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Key Definition
    1. Half-Life
      1. Either:
        1. The time taken for the activity to halve.
          1. The time taken for the number of undecayed nuclei to halve.
        2. Activity
          1. The number of decays per second.
          2. Isotope
            1. An atom of an element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
            2. Radioisotope
              1. An unstable isotope that will undergo radioactive decay in order to become more stable.
              2. Radioactive Decay
                1. The act of spontaneous and random release of radiation.
                2. Ion
                  1. An atom with a charge.
                    1. Ionisation
                      1. The act of causing an atom to become an ion.
                  2. Radiation
                    1. Background Radiation
                      1. Some materials give off radiation naturally.
                        1. For example: Rocks, Air and Space.
                      2. There are three types of radiation.
                        1. Alpha
                          1. Beta
                            1. Gamma
                              1. They are stopped by different materials.
                              2. Radiation Flashcards.


                            2. Atomic Structure
                              1. Previously, people believed that the atom looked like a 'plum pudding'.
                                1. Rutherford Scattering Experiment
                                  1. Ernest Rutherford, a British scientist, proved that the atom had a positive nucleus with negative electrons orbiting it.
                                    1. Alpha particles were fired at thin gold foil.
                                        1. Most particles went through, whilst some were deflected and the rest were reflected.
                                          1. As most past through easily, the atom is mainly empty space.
                                            1. A few were deflected, so...
                                              1. Some were reflected, so...
                                                1. The nucleus is small compared to the rest of the atom, yet it contains most of the mass and of the positive charges.
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