HER2 +


Some characteristics about of HER2
Mind Map by puma_1921paul, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by puma_1921paul over 9 years ago

Resource summary

HER2 +
  1. Human epidermal growth factor receptor
    1. Locus Citogenético 17q12–21.32
      1. Other genes BRCA1, TOP2A, TP53
      2. Expresado en 20 % de los cánceres (Amplificación ERBB2)
        1. poor prognostic more aggressive decreased survival
        2. Treatment
          1. Trastuzumab (monoclonal antibody)
          2. diagnostic techniques
            1. immunohistochemistry (IHC)
              1. in situ hybridization (ISH)
                1. ≥3 CEP17 (Cuttoff)
                2. Gene amplification
                  1. Increase in the copy number of a specific chromosomal region
                    1. Polisomia
                      1. Presence of extra copies of one or more whole chromosomes
                      2. disomía uniparental
                        1. dos copias de un cromosoma provienen del mismo progenitor
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