grace sh


school hw coursework
Mind Map by theresa12, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by theresa12 about 9 years ago
Copied by theresa12 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

grace sh
    1. The song is in verse and chorus form with three verses and two choruses.
      1. Each of the verses has an introduction.
        1. There is a bridge after chorus 2.
          1. The song ends with a climactic coda based on the chorus.
            1. In verse and chorus form, the chorus:
              1. sets the refrain of the lyrics and often contains the title words
                1. usually returns several times, always with the same words
                2. The verse usually has different words with each repetition.
                  1. A bridge is a contrasting passage.
                    1. A coda is a section which comes at the end of a song.
                  2. Grace General Points
                    1. Composed by Jeff Buckley
                      1. Released in 1994.
                        1. Grace is a Rock Ballad.
                        2. Instrumentation And Texture
                          1. Buckley is a vocalist who is accompanied by guitars, bass guitars, synthesizer strings and a drum kit.
                            1. The guitar is in Drop D tuning.
                              1. Synthesizer strings drop in and out to add effect and vary texture.
                                1. The texture thickens throughout the piece, especially in the coda.
                                2. Use Of Technology
                                  1. The use of modulation on the synthesizer at the start of the song.
                                    1. The use of distortion and flanging on the guitar.
                                      1. he use of EQ in the final verse
                                      2. Tonality And Harmony
                                        1. The song is written in E Minor although it's often ambiguous.
                                          1. The intro focuses on the chord of D and the key only becomes clear halfway through the first verse.
                                            1. Chromatic chords that move in a parallel motion.
                                              1. The use of dissonant harmonies
                                              2. Rhythm, Metre And Tempo
                                                1. Time signature of 12/8.
                                                  1. Lots of syncopation in vocal melody and bass line.
                                                    1. Vocal melody is very rhythmically free.
                                                      1. Use of cross-rhythms.
                                                      2. Melody And Word Setting
                                                        1. The vocal part ranges over 2 octaves and sometimes sound is improvised.
                                                          1. Falling vocal phrases reflect the sadness of the song.
                                                            1. Most of the word setting is syllabic although there is use of mellisma on certain words.
                                                              1. In the bridge there is vocalization or wordless singing during which Buckley uses falsetto.
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