Evaluating the causes of schizophrenia


SCOUT for causes of schizophrenia
Charlotte Abramson
Mind Map by Charlotte Abramson, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Abramson
Created by Charlotte Abramson over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Evaluating the causes of schizophrenia
  1. Dopamine hypothesis
    1. Supporting evidence
      1. Falkai et al (1988)- Autopsies found that people with schizophrenia have a larger number of dopamine receptors
      2. Conflicting evidence
        1. Depatie and Lal (2001) found that apomorphine (agonist drug) does not induce psychotic symptoms and does not worsen pre existing symptoms
        2. Opposing theories
          1. Genetic hypothesis, social causation
          2. Usefulness
            1. Reductionist as it relies on biological explanations and overlooks the environment. However, has led to the development of drugs that have less side effects.
            2. Testability
              1. Highly testable as objective, empirical and produces scientific evidence. Uses advanced medical equipment such as fMRI. However, doesn't establish cause and effects.
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