

Chutikan Srisang
Mind Map by Chutikan Srisang, updated more than 1 year ago
Chutikan Srisang
Created by Chutikan Srisang about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Hyaline Cartilage
    1. nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi
      1. Developement
        1. Mesenchymal cell
          1. Chondroblast (young cell)
            1. Chondrocyte (Adult cell)
              1. enclosed in LACUNA
                1. Many Lacuna >> Cell nest (isogeneous cellgroup)
                2. สร้าง GS+fibers = Matrix
                  1. Surrounds lacunae
                    1. Territorial matrix (darker stain)
                      1. glycosaminoglycan > collagen
                    2. Between lacunae
                      1. Interterritorial matrix (Paler stain)
              2. Perichondrium
                1. Outer: Fibrous layer [collagen&fibroblast]
                  1. Inner:Cellular (chondrogenic) layer [chondroblast]
                2. Growth
                  1. Interstitial (mitosis)
                    1. Appositional
                    2. Structure
                      1. Near perichondrium
                        1. small, elliptical lacunae, parallel to the surface
                        2. Deep
                          1. larger, polyhedral shape
                        3. Nutrition
                          1. Cartilage is non vascular
                            1. Chondrocytes get nourishment from diffustion through the matrix
                              1. Calcification
                                1. Chondrocyte will be died
                                  1. start to make the real BONE
                            2. Elastic Cartilage
                              1. external ear, epiglottis, auditory canal, corniculat&cuneiform cartilage of larynx
                                1. Similar structure to hyaline cartilage but HAVE ELASTIC FIBER
                                2. Fibrocartilage
                                  1. found where tendon attaches to bone, intervertebral disks, meniscus(stifle joint), dog heart
                                    1. transitional between cartilage and CNT
                                      1. Structure
                                        1. a lot of collagen fibers in ECM
                                          1. Bundles parallel to the direction of stress
                                            1. chondrocyte located in rows of small lacunae between collagen bundles
                                              1. *NO difinitive perichondrium
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