Middle Ages in Europe


the geography,empire,climate,routes,religions wars of Europe
shaheer alhussain
Mind Map by shaheer alhussain, updated more than 1 year ago
shaheer alhussain
Created by shaheer alhussain over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Middle Ages in Europe
  1. geography
    1. ''peninsula of peninsulas''
      1. Alps
        1. Urals
          1. Ural river
          2. Danube river
            1. Volga river
              1. Rhine river
                1. shine river
                2. Empires
                  1. Byzantine empire
                    1. ► Al-Andalus‎
                      1. ► British Empire‎
                        1. ► Dutch Empire‎
                        2. ► Bulgarian Empire‎
                          1. ► Former French empires‎
                          2. religions
                            1. Cristianity
                              1. Catholism
                                1. Islam
                                2. wars
                                  1. Iberian-Parthian war
                                    1. Rus'–Byzantine War
                                      1. Norman conquest of England
                                        1. Great Saxon Revolt
                                        2. climate
                                          1. western
                                            1. hot
                                            2. eastern
                                              1. normal
                                            3. trade
                                              1. spices
                                                1. cotton
                                                  1. silk
                                                  2. routes
                                                    1. silk route
                                                      1. suez canal
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