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Basic Concepts of Law
Intro to law ch3
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Mind Map by
Laura Tamás
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Laura Tamás
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Basic Concepts of Law
Fields of Law
Private Law
government as such plays no role
property law
contract law
family law
tort law
private international law
except: eg: ownership of police car, same
relations between citizens
Public Law
government as such plays a role
criminal law
punishment by/on behalf of the gov
administrative law
interaction gov vs citizen
eg: tax law
constitutional law
trias politica
international law
EU Law
private + public
Substantive v. Procedural law
what people should do
gives rights
means to enforce laws
rules for court etc
branch of procedural law for branches of substantive law
civil, criminal, administrative procedure
"Functional fields"
laws: all 4 categories
function more important than belonging to main areas
function: consists of regulated topic
eg: environmental law
prescribe behavior +
create rights
describe procedures
set up institutions
condition + conclusion part IF-THEN
operative facts
case's facts that satisfy the contitions of the rule
if rule is applied- legal effect attached to case
Dynamic Rules
rules that lead to new facts
eg: commit crime, punishable from then on
Count-as Rules
simply acts (handing over a bread) gain legal menaing transfer of ownership
Fact-to-Fact Rule
connects facts that go together
owns sg- competent to transfer ownership
legal effects
changes in law result of application of dynamic rule
attached to cases based on rule
Legal Subjects
Legal persons
organizations that receive title of legal subjects
duties imposed, competence and rights assigned to them by rules
Natural persons
human being
different areas, different consequences
public law
legal persons: ??
natural persons: human rights
private law
rights to own property, payment, perform juridical acts
Juridical acts
act performed with the intention to bring about legal effects
contracts, last wills, etc
mean for subjects to change legal positions, within limits
Factual Acts
mostly by administration, same purpose but without creating a legal effect
eg: making parking physically impossible
certain empowerment needed for certain juridical acts and legal effects
if lacking competence: NULL
taking legal effect away
Duties and Rights
1) agents under duty 2) action duty applies to
meant to guide people's beahvior
everyone, some, one
content of duty
what (not) supposed to do
prohibition= duty to abstain from sg
implicit permission
absence of prohibition
explicit permission
prohibition, but excptionn created
permission: what you are allowed to do
go against it: illegal
competence: what is possible to do in your power
precondition for creating legal effects by juridical act
1) interests protected by the law 2) can be disposed of by the holder
rights regarding a person
obligation attched
narrow sense
counterpart of the claim
broad sense
obligation in narrow sense + claim
eg: contracts
can be transferred
holde can waive rights, en corresponding obligation
can only be invoked against person bound by the obligation
Rights in rem
rights regarding an object
relationship between right holder and object of the right
eg: ownership
can be seen as an explicit permission
can be invoked against everyone
Liberty Rights
eg right to self expression
not easily withdrawn
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