User Experience Design


Post Grad ELM Mind Map on User Experience Design, created by anelvr on 08/09/2015.
Mind Map by anelvr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anelvr over 9 years ago

Resource summary

User Experience Design
  1. Qualities: Good UX
    1. Desirability
      1. Accessibility
        1. Findability
          1. Usability
            1. Credibility
              1. Usefulness
                1. Increase conversion, awareness & + association
                2. What is UX?
                  1. All exp: Physical, Sensory, Emotional, Mental
                    1. When interacting with digital tool
                    2. 2 Categories
                      1. Creative UX
                        1. Wow Visual Creative
                        2. Functional UX
                          1. Technical Elements Navigation • Search Links
                        3. Benefits
                          1. Differentiate => comp. adv
                            1. Good design & research => best solution (eg Amazon, CONTINUE button i.s.o. REGISTER)
                              1. Applying UX principles => digi work earlier, better functionality, lower cost, cut out features don't need
                              2. Core principles
                                1. UCD - User Centred Design (Design, philosphy, priority user's needs)
                                  1. Who is user?
                                    1. User's wants & needs from platform?
                                      1. Why really to website?
                                        1. What capabilities, skills, tech. available?
                                          1. What feature would increase UX?
                                            1. If not know - research & interpret
                                            2. Usability & Conventions (Stick to standard)
                                              1. Links - blue
                                                1. Nav. menu top / left
                                                  1. Logo top left, link back to home
                                                    1. Search box, top page, std, wording search + icon
                                                    2. Simplicity
                                                      1. Simpler, better, more UX friendly
                                                        1. White space
                                                          1. Fewer options
                                                            1. Plain language
                                                              1. Stick to conventions
                                                              2. Credibility
                                                                1. Trustworthy & Legit?
                                                                  1. Looks
                                                                    1. Contact details
                                                                      1. Testimonials
                                                                      2. Associations & awards logos. Credible 3rd party ref. & endorsements
                                                                        1. Fresh, up to date content. No errors
                                                                      3. Mobile UX
                                                                        1. 5 Cat mobile: Dumb / Basic (no • Feature (ltd. possibly • Smart (mini comp, full web, lrg screens, wide range funct) • Tablets (lrg version, usually touch, wide range connect., life & work) • Other (e-readers, portable games, ipods)
                                                                          1. Mobile 1st! Not afterthought
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