Is the study of self understanding, and love of wisdom (philos-love
& sophia-wisdom). it is about asking about main concept looking for
understanding and rational justification of our basic beliefs.
Ontology- nature of beings
Ethics- human behaviour and its acts, wrong or right.
Anthropology- past, present and future of men behaviour
Aesthetics- beauty and artistic phenomena
Logic- validity of an argument
Politics- organization of society and its public affairs
Theodicy- prove God´s existence
Metaphysics- origin of knowledge
beyond nature
Cosmology- theories of the beginning of everything
and the universe
narration that tries to explain the origin of the
earth or a culture where fantastic characters are
included. It is an attenuated form of
intellectuality using autonomous way of
thinking that looks for social control (fear of
people to act a certain way) and searches the
development of Myth-Polis.
Pre- Soratic Cosmologists
Ionia- place in the coast of Antoia where philosophy is
speculated to have started
Arché- ..first principle... first cause
Parmenides- senses are an illusion. Metaphysical conclusions
about true nature of reality
Hybris- state of chaos and
Thales- water is the first principle
Anaximines- air is the main element
Anaximander- think of the infinite; apeiro (infinite, boundless,
Empedocles- four elements account all variety in the world. World
cycles fully mix and separates the elements (love/attraction &
Democritus- atomism (universe composed on infinite microscopic
Heraclitus- Fire first element, constant change (logos)
Pythagoras- all things are numbers (maths to uknowledge and
quasi-religious reverence towards leader.nderstand the
world). Pursuit esoteric