Blurred Vision


Mind Map on Blurred Vision, created by samah kannas on 31/10/2021.
samah kannas
Mind Map by samah kannas, updated more than 1 year ago
samah kannas
Created by samah kannas about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Blurred Vision
  1. Differential Diagnosis
    1. Refractory Errors
      1. Brain mass
        1. Pituitary mass
          1. Diabetes
            1. HTN
              1. Catarct
                1. Aging
                  1. Medication ARDs
                    1. Eye infection
                      1. Eye allergy
                      2. Other signs & symptoms
                        1. Vision loss
                          1. Nausea & vomiting
                            1. Eye pain
                              1. Seeing hallows
                              2. Investigations
                                1. Ophthalmoscope
                                  1. Red reflex
                                    1. Examining the optic disc and the macula
                                      1. Fundoscopy
                                        1. Tonometry
                                          1. Visual acuity
                                            1. Colored vision test
                                              1. Refraction assessment
                                              2. Confirmed Diagnosis
                                                1. Glaucoma
                                                  1. Management
                                                    1. Increase fluid drainage
                                                      1. Parasympathomimitic
                                                      2. Decrease fluid production
                                                        1. B Blockers
                                                          1. a 2 Agonists
                                                            1. CA inhibitors
                                                          2. Pathophysiology
                                                            1. Due to increased production of intraocular fluid or blockage of the draining system
                                                            2. Types
                                                              1. Open-angle
                                                                1. Gradual increase in ICP >21mmHg with no acute symptoms and gradual optic nerve damage
                                                                2. Closed-angle
                                                                  1. The lens is pushing against the iris , happen suddenly with eye pain & quickly optic N. damage
                                                              2. Anatomy
                                                                1. Layers
                                                                  1. Fibrous
                                                                    1. Sclera & Cornea
                                                                    2. Vasculomascular
                                                                      1. Choroid
                                                                        1. Ciliary body and ciliary muscles + Iris
                                                                        2. Nervous
                                                                          1. Retina
                                                                        3. Segments
                                                                          1. Anterior
                                                                            1. Anterior chamber
                                                                              1. Posterior chamber
                                                                              2. Posterior
                                                                                1. filled with aquauos viterous
                                                                              3. Histology
                                                                                1. Retinal layers
                                                                                2. Photoreceptor transduction cascade
                                                                                  1. Basics of Vision & image formation
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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