ISP (internet service provider)- after the URL is sent out it comes here which is the company you pay for your service. when the URL has been to the DNS and back it is now an IP address (the number that represents the website name) gets sent to the host


Mind Map on ISP (internet service provider)- after the URL is sent out it comes here which is the company you pay for your service. when the URL has been to the DNS and back it is now an IP address (the number that represents the website name) gets sent to the host, created by cory991 on 11/09/2015.
Mind Map by cory991, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cory991 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

ISP (internet service provider)- after the URL is sent out it comes here which is the company you pay for your service. when the URL has been to the DNS and back it is now an IP address (the number that represents the website name) gets sent to the host
  1. PC- you type in your URL (uniform resource locator) which is your name of the website your searching
    1. TCP (transfer control protocol)- this is where a set of rules that controls how the webpage is broken down into small packages of data gets sent to your computer and reassembled as a webpage
    2. DNS (domain name server)- this is where your URL goes after the ISP which is a list of all the names of websites and there IP address
      1. POP (point of presence)the building where the ISP has all its connection equipment, servers and cables
        1. NAP (network access point) is the place where the ISP physicxally connects to the WWW
          1. host- when the IP address gets to here the host finds the page and breaks it into loads of packages of data and sends them back to your computer through the TCP
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