

Mind Map on Hurlamaboc_1, created by emerfoxy on 12/09/2015.
Mind Map by emerfoxy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by xlauramartinx about 9 years ago
Copied by emerfoxy about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Éilis Ní Dhuibhne
    1. Born in Dublin in 1954.
      1. Went to UCD and earned PhD in Folklore in 1982
        1. Worked in The National Library of Ireland
          1. Has been published in Irish and English and won a lot of prizes (gradam)
            1. Milseog an tSamraidh agus Dún na mBan trí thine (2000), Dúnmharú sa Daingean (2000)
    2. An Scéal
      1. Bhí Lisín agus Pól pósta le fiche bliain. In a week they will have a party to celebrate this.
        1. They have two sons; Cúan (13) and Ruán (18). All were excited for the party except Ruán who thinks it will be crap, but he tells his mother that he thinks it's cool because he is in the habit of telling his mother what she wants to hear.
          1. Lisín married Pól when he was young and had no ambition (ní raibh uaillmhain aige). She changed him and now he has wealth (maoin) and ambition (uaillmhian)
            1. Lisín had everything sorted for the party - food, chairs and tables, the house was polished and clean. It was always clean in the house. Lisín was a perfectionist.
              1. Uasal Mac Gabhann comes round to say he will attend the party. He tells Ruán that he can't believe Lisín is married twenty years, that she still looks like a young girl. Ruán agrees without enthusiasm (gan mórán díograise).
                1. She always looked great. Always wore make-up (smideadh) and dressed nice. She was blonde as was all the women on Ascaill na Fuinseoige, except one Eibhlín who had brown hair and didn't always wear make-up or wear nice clothes.
                  1. Ruán thought about his mother. He didn't know why she depressed him, she always gave him praise and encouragement. Uasal Man Gabhann had the eyes of a teacher, he was friendly and told funny stories but often looked at you like looking at an x-ray (x-ghathú).
                    1. All the women were the same, but Lisín was more perfect (foirfe) than the other women. She had no job, she had no need to. She attended language classes and was interested in film and drama
                      1. She was able to dicuss anything with her son and was interesting.
      2. Téamaí
        1. Baothghalántacht (pretentiousness)
          1. Uaillmhian
            1. Smacht (control)
              1. Scigmhagadh (Satire, irony)
                1. Greann (Humour)
                  1. Tíogar Ceilteach
        2. Na Carachtair
          1. Lisín
            1. Príomhcharachtar
              1. Pósta ar Phól, tá beirt mhac acu. Tá siad pósta le fiche bliain.
                1. Is duine eagraithe (organised) cumasach (talented) í.
                  1. Tá sí fionn, foirfe agus tanaí (thin).
            2. Pól
              1. Anois tá sé léachtóir ollscoil i gnó. Bhí sé ag obair sa siopa nuair a bhuail sé Lisín.
                1. Tá árasáin agus tithe aige ar fud na hEorpa. Tá a lan airgead aige mar cheannaigh sé stoc ar an Idirlíon.
                  1. Fear cliste (smart), ciallmhar (wise) agus stuama (prudent) é. Ach déanann gach duine sa teaghlach rud ar Lisín.
              2. Ruán
                1. Mac is sine
                  1. Tá grá aige dá mháthair ach tá náire (embarrassment) air faoina mháthair.
                    1. Níl an caidreamh (relationship) idir Ruán agus a mham go maith.
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