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Mind Map on Poisoning, created by Marwa Alqassim on 28/11/2021.
Marwa Alqassim
Mind Map by Marwa Alqassim, updated more than 1 year ago
Marwa Alqassim
Created by Marwa Alqassim about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. caused by
    1. pesticides
      1. types
        1. Organophosphate
          1. blocks acetylcholinesterase
            1. accumulation of
          2. Organochlorine
            1. Carbamate
            2. How to prevent it?
              1. management
                1. ABCDE
                  1. Airway Breathing Circulation Disability Exposure
                2. Examinations and Investigations
                  1. Toxicology screen
                    1. blood urine & saliva test
                    2. Organophosphates testing
                      1. measurement of plasma & RBC cholinesterase
                    3. Signs and Symptoms
                      1. Long Term Effects
                        1. arrhythmias
                          1. GH deficiency
                            1. sex hormones disturbances
                            2. Treatment
                              1. Long-term
                                1. ventilators
                                  1. transplantation
                                    1. dialysis
                                2. Short-term
                                  1. Decontamination
                                    1. wash the skin
                                      1. administer of charcoal
                            3. Autopsy
                              1. done to?
                                1. diagnose
                                  1. suspicious death
                                    1. public health concern
                              2. Medically Induced Coma
                                1. why?
                                  1. Protect the brain
                                  2. How?
                                    1. Drugs, extreme hypothermia, anesthetics, sedatives
                                  3. Nervous System
                                    1. Neurotransmitters
                                      1. dopamine
                                        1. GABA
                                          1. Acetylcholine (ACh)
                                            1. act on
                                              1. has
                                                1. Muscarinic receptors
                                                  1. Nicotinic receptors
                                              2. CNS
                                                1. PNS
                                                  1. Somatic (voluntary)
                                                    1. Autonomic (involuntary)
                                                      1. Sympathetic
                                                        1. Fight or Flight
                                                        2. Parasympathetic
                                                          1. Rest & Digest
                                                    2. Psychological Rehabilitation
                                                      1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
                                                        1. Prolonged Exposure Therapy
                                                        2. Cognitive Processing Therapy
                                                        3. leads to
                                                          1. Metabolic Acidosis
                                                            1. increase in anion gap
                                                          2. Stroke
                                                            1. acute onset of neurologic deficit as a result of vascular lesions, hemorrhage or loss of blood supply
                                                              1. Risk Factors
                                                                1. Hypertension
                                                                  1. Diabetes
                                                                    1. Smoking
                                                                      1. Physical inactivity
                                                                2. S&S
                                                                  1. Investigations
                                                                    1. CT / MRI
                                                                      1. ECG & EEG
                                                                    2. Management
                                                                      1. Pharma
                                                                        1. Ischemic
                                                                          1. IV tPA
                                                                            1. Aspirin
                                                                          2. Hemorrhagic
                                                                            1. Anticonvulsants
                                                                              1. Antihypertensive
                                                                                1. Osmotic diuretics
                                                                          3. Physiotherapy
                                                                            1. Bed positioning
                                                                              1. Early mobilizing & activities
                                                                                1. Exercise & mirror therapy
                                                                                  1. CIMT & FES
                                                                          4. Complications
                                                                            1. DVT , Bedsores
                                                                              1. Pneumonia , UTI
                                                                                1. Seziures
                                                                                  1. Contractures
                                                                                    1. Depression
                                                                          5. Brain blood supply
                                                                            1. Headache Types
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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