Assets and Risk Managment


It's important to identify the asset to protect and Risk Management identifies the risks and make comprehensive solutions
Hisham Haneefa
Mind Map by Hisham Haneefa, updated more than 1 year ago
Hisham Haneefa
Created by Hisham Haneefa over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Assets and Risk Managment
  1. Asset Managment
    1. Assets Identification
      1. Inventory of
        1. Hardawares
          1. Softwares
            1. Network Devices
            2. Firmware
              1. Runtime environments , libraries
              2. Assets Classifications
                1. 1.category Identifications
                  1. Information asset
                    1. Software asset
                      1. Physical Asset
                        1. Services
                          1. 2.Identifying the owner
                            1. Owner for all information assets
                              1. Owner for the all software app..
                                1. 3.Crederia for identification
                                  1. Confidentiality
                                    1. value
                                      1. Time
                                        1. Access Right
                                          1. Destruction
                                            1. 4.Implement Schema
                                      2. Assets Lifecycle
                                        1. Procurement
                                          1. Deployment
                                            1. Utilizations
                                              1. Maintenance
                                                1. Disposal
                                              2. Risk Managment
                                                1. Risks Types
                                                  1. High Risk
                                                    1. Lower Risks
                                                      1. Acceptable Risks
                                                      2. Risk Managment Process
                                                        1. Frame the risk
                                                          1. Access the Risks
                                                            1. Respond to Risks
                                                              1. Monitor the RIsks
                                                            2. Risk Assessment
                                                              1. Thread Source Type
                                                                1. Adversarial


                                                                  • threads from individuals , groups, organizations, nations
                                                                  1. Accidental


                                                                    • actions with out malicious intend 
                                                                    1. Environmental


                                                                      • natural disaster, human - aided
                                                                      1. Structural


                                                                        • software hardware failures
                                                                      2. Risk Analysis


                                                                        • Examine the dangers poses by the disasters or human involved actions
                                                                        1. Quantitative Risk Analysis
                                                                          1. Qualitative Risk Analysis
                                                                          2. Mitigations
                                                                            1. Accept the risk and periodically reassess
                                                                              1. Reduce the risk by implementing controls


                                                                                • by providing updates and patches
                                                                                1. Avoid risk by changing approach totally
                                                                                  1. Transfer the risk to 3rd party


                                                                                    • hire specialist 
                                                                                2. Security Controls
                                                                                  1. Control types
                                                                                    1. Administrative Control


                                                                                      • determine how people acts consists with policies and procedures
                                                                                      1. Technical Control


                                                                                        • -involved software and hardware - manage risks and provide protections
                                                                                        1. Physical Control


                                                                                          • separate people or other threats from system
                                                                                        2. Functional security Controls
                                                                                          1. Preventive Control


                                                                                            • prevent unauthorized and unwanted activities happen
                                                                                            1. Deterrent Control


                                                                                              • discourage before something happens
                                                                                              1. Detective Control


                                                                                                • identifies the different type of unauthorized activities 
                                                                                                1. Corrective Control
                                                                                                  1. Recovery Control
                                                                                                    1. Compensative control


                                                                                                      • alternative solutions 
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