Lennie + George


IGCSE English Mind Map on Lennie + George, created by OrangeJIM on 11/11/2013.
Mind Map by OrangeJIM, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by OrangeJIM over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Lennie + George
  1. Great Depression
    1. No Money
      1. Bindle Only
        1. Hard to find Work
          1. No Friends or Hope
          2. American Dream
            1. Owning own Land
              1. Buy from couple
                1. Candy's Money Helps
                2. Living offa the Land
                  1. Hope
                    1. To be Self-Sufficient
                    2. Characters Associated
                      1. George + Lennie
                        1. Own a Ranch
                        2. Curley's Wife
                          1. Hollywood Film Star
                          2. Candy
                            1. George + Lennie Dream
                            2. Crooks (Briefly)
                              1. George + Lennie Dream
                          3. Trust
                            1. George looking out for Lennie
                              1. Boss's Interview
                                1. Lennie Trusts George to Return
                                2. George
                                  1. Small, Quick
                                    1. Shrewd, Intelligent
                                      1. No Permanent Employment
                                        1. Good Judge of Character
                                          1. Peaceful, No Fights
                                            1. Power over Lennie
                                              1. Curley Fight
                                              2. Full of Compassion
                                                1. Lennie Mercy Killing
                                                2. Lonely for Intellectual People
                                                  1. E.G Slim
                                                3. Lennie
                                                  1. Childs Mind
                                                    1. Basic Cunning
                                                      1. Dreams of Tending Rabbits
                                                        1. Harms out of Affection
                                                        2. Large Body, Big Hands
                                                          1. Curley Fights him due to Size!
                                                          2. Animal Likeness
                                                            1. "Dabbed his paw"
                                                            2. Represents an Unfair World
                                                              1. Trouble with Mind
                                                                1. Weed Incident
                                                                  1. Death of Curley's Wife
                                                                    1. Killing of small rodents
                                                                      1. Killed Pup
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