First off, skim the text you are
going to summarize and divide it into
sections. Focus on any headings and
subheadings. Also look at any
bold-faced terms and make sure
you understand them before you
2) Read.
t this point, you don’t need to stop to look up anything
that gives you trouble—just get a feel for the author’s
tone, style, and main idea.
3) Reread.
4) One sentence at a time.
Tips for paraphrasing
Do: 1) use your own words, synonyms or
synonym phrases. 2) change the order of the
information, 3) change the grammar and sentence
structure. 4) keep the meaning, as well as the
emphasis on and relationships between main and
supporting points the same. reference the original
text when paraphrasing written material.
Don't: 1) repeat the information word for word, or
change a word here and there, leaving most of the
text and the sentence order the same - this is
plagiarism. 2)add your own opinions or thoughts - the
information should be the same as in the original
5) Write a thesis statement.
6) Ready to write.
Remember these tips: 1) Write in the present
tense. 2) Make sure to include the author and title
of the work. 3)Be concise: a summary should not
be equal in length to the original text. 4) If you
must use the words of the author, cite them. 5)
Don't put your own opinions, ideas, or
interpretations into the summary. 6) The purpose
of writing a summary is to accurately represent
what the author wanted to say, not to provide a
Avoid plagiarism!!!
7) Check for accuracy.
8) Revise.
Once you are certain
that your summary is
accurate, you should (as
with any piece of writing)
revise it for style,
grammar, and
punctuation. If you have
time, give your summary
to someone else to