3.5 Genetic Modification and Biotechnology


IB genetic topic 3
Maqbool Ahmed
Mind Map by Maqbool Ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Steve Harton
Created by Steve Harton over 9 years ago
Maqbool Ahmed
Copied by Maqbool Ahmed over 9 years ago

Resource summary

3.5 Genetic Modification and Biotechnology
  1. Nature of Science
    1. Risks associated with GM crops or livestock
      1. Monarch butterflies vs Bt crops
    2. PCR
      1. Can be used to amplify small amounts of DNA
      2. DNA profiling
        1. Analysis of examples of DNA profiles
          1. Paternity and Forensic investigations
        2. Cloning
          1. Many plants and some animals have natural methods of cloning
            1. Animals can be cloned at the embryo stage by breaking up the embryo into more than one group of cells
              1. Aim 6
                1. One factor affecting the rooting of stem-cuttings
              2. Cloning adults animals using differentiated cells
                1. Somatic-cell nuclear transfer
                  1. Dolly
              3. Gene transfer to bacteria
                1. Restriction endonucleases
                  1. Plasmids
                    1. DNA ligase
                    2. TOK
                      1. The use of DNA for securing convictions in legal cases
                        1. What criteria are necessary for assessing the reliability of evidence?
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