Authentic Assessments/Big Ideas


Why use authentic assessments? Authentic assessments are direct measures. Authentic assessments capture constructive nature of learning. Authentic Assessments Integrate Teaching, Learning and Assessment Authentic Assessments Provide Multiple Paths to Demonstration
Chasity Puryear Perry
Mind Map by Chasity Puryear Perry, updated more than 1 year ago
Chasity Puryear Perry
Created by Chasity Puryear Perry almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Authentic Assessments/Big Ideas
    1. Why use authentic assessment?


      1. Authentic Assessments are Direct Measures


        • We do not just want students to know the content of the disciplines when they graduate. We, of course, want them to be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in the real world. So, our assessments have to also tell us if students can apply what they have learned in authentic situations.
        1. Authentic Assessments Capture Constructive Nature of Learning


          • Students must also be asked to demonstrate that they have accurately constructed meaning about what they have been taught. Furthermore, students must be given the opportunity to engage in the construction of meaning. 
          1. Authentic Assessments Integrate Teaching, Learning and Assessment


            • In the authentic assessment model, the same authentic task used to measure the students' ability to apply the knowledge or skills is used as a vehicle for student learning.   
            1. Authentic Assessments Provide Multiple Paths to Demonstration


              • Variety of measurement can be accomplished by assessing the students through different measures that allows you to see them apply what they have learned in different ways and from different perspectives. 
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