Gas Exchange and Transport_1


Degree BMSC1110 Mind Map on Gas Exchange and Transport_1, created by stephdos on 12/11/2013.
Mind Map by stephdos, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by stephdos almost 11 years ago
Copied by stephdos almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Gas Exchange and Transport_1
  1. Resting Oxy consumption=250mL min-1
    1. Produce 200mL min-1 of CO2
    2. Direction of exchange of Oxy
      1. Lungs, 02 diffuse from alveoli to capillary blood
        1. Systemic cap beds, 02 from blood to cells via interstitial fluid
          1. C02 opp direction
          2. Dalton's Law
            1. Total P= P1+P2+P3 etc ( total of all gases in same vol)
            2. Alveolar Air
              1. Atmospheric air inhaled...
                1. saturated with water vapour
                  1. mix with air with high CO2 in resp' dead space
                2. Higher PCO2 + lower P02 than atmo air
                3. Rate of gas diffusion
                  1. Directly proportional to
                    1. conc grad across memb
                      1. surf area of memb
                        1. Permeabilty of memb to the gas
                        2. Inversely prop to
                          1. thickness of memb
                        3. Henry's Law
                          1. amount of gas that dissolves in a liq dep' on partial pressure of gas and its solubility
                            1. O2 less soluble than CO2
                            2. 'Perfusion Limited'
                              1. rate of g.exch dep' on rate of pulmonary blood flow
                              2. Haemoglobin
                                1. protein in rbcs
                                  1. Bind to oxy- oxyhb
                                    1. reversible
                                  2. 4 subunits, 4 haem groups cont Fe2+
                                    1. each haem 1O2 so 1Hb transports 4O2
                                      1. Binding dep on PO2 in fluid
                                        1. O2 dissociation curve
                                          1. sigmoidal 'S'
                                            1. binding ability dep on no of o2 already bound
                                              1. bind 1 inc affinity for O2= Positive Cooperativity
                                              2. RIGHT SHIFT: dec affinity
                                                1. LEFT: inc affinity
                                                  1. FACTORS
                                                    1. Inc temp = dec affinity
                                                      1. dec pH= dec affinity BOHR EFFECT
                                                        1. Carbamino effect. Hb +CO2 = HbCO2
                                                          1. Lower aff for O2
                                                          2. 2,3-BPG
                                                            1. High levels decrease aff for O2
                                                              1. OxyHb Inhibits enzyme that prod this
                                                      2. conc Hb in blood 150g L-1
                                                    2. CO2 TRANSPORT
                                                      1. 3 ways
                                                        1. bound to Hb
                                                          1. Diss in plasma
                                                            1. dissolved in form HCO3- ions
                                                            2. dif into systemic caps
                                                              1. dif into RBCS, converted to HCO3- + H+
                                                                1. Prevent 'prod inhibition', HCO3- exch for Cl-
                                                                  1. In pulmonary caps, CO2 dif into alveolar gas, red PCO2 in blood
                                                                2. binding O2 to Hb dec CO2 transp
                                                                  1. Haldane effect
                                                                    1. inc rate of CO2 elimination
                                                                    2. In systemic caps, low PO2 prom' binding CO2 to Hb
                                                                      1. Assists removal CO2 from tissues
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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