This is used so that
computers that are in the
same building are all
connected to one network.
WAN is Wide Area Network
This is used so that computers in a different
country can connect to a website or something
like that in another country.
Passwords are needed to stop other people from logging into
your account.
Passwords help stop
people from hackig into
your accounts .
Passwords are used on
websites like facebook ,
twitter , instagram and many
other social medias.It is also
used for things like banks and
A server is used to share files and can also
manage the security and logins of network.
This will mean everyone logging inot
the surver will have to be checked
to see if they are a member of
that surver and if hey arnt thye
wont be able to log in.
Physical security
Physical security can stop unwanted people from
accessing the hardware.For example using a lock.
If you didnt have physical
security someone could go and
steel your computer or
Physical security is used in places like school and
stores because then people cannot steel your
Firewall is used to stop data being sent
out or received by the computer.
This helps stop other people from
steeling your files that you are
sending to another computer.
Used to scramble data being sent over a network so that
it cant be read unless you have the key or code.
This will mean that anyoe who is trying to get hold of your file that you
are sending wont b able to read any of it because it will be all scrambled
up and they would have to have somesort of code to decode it.
A cipher is a way of
encription and decription
you make a way of
encripting your message
to hid its real meaning.
like you could use a
number cypher or you
could use Caesars
Things that require encryption is
wireless networks and banks also it is is
used for anything that requires a log in to
get into the account or thing that you are
Decryptin is when you decrypt a piece of infomation.