Genius Files Never say genius


Book project
Zachary Johns
Mind Map by Zachary Johns, updated more than 1 year ago
Zachary Johns
Created by Zachary Johns over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Genius Files Never say genius
  1. Theme
    1. Message/theme
      1. Never give up when something is wrong. And never panic
      2. How brought out in the book-
        1. Coke and Pep escape everything/everyone that tries to hurt them
      3. Main Conflict
        1. Conflict/problem
          1. Archie Clone and Dr.Warshaw are trying to kill Coke and Pep
            1. Cause
              1. Coke and Pep went with an evil stranger Archie Clone and no one was with them.
          2. Setting
            1. Place/location
              1. In their RV
                1. Time
                  1. June 25, 2012
              2. Charachters
                1. Coke
                  1. Brave
                    1. Smart
                    2. Pep
                      1. Brave
                        1. Smart
                        2. Archie Clone
                          1. Smart
                            1. Evil
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