Weimar Republic


Basic outline for pupils to use to revise. <ore detail will be added later to recall and recap each topic "?" is the Munich Putsch that we do not cover until we look at the rise of Hitler
Mind Map by l.okeefe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by l.okeefe almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Weimar Republic
  1. After World War One
    1. Revolutions from the Left and right
      1. T.O.V
          1. After WW1
            1. Revolutions from the Left and Right
              1. T.O.V
                1. Weimar Constitution
                  1. 1923
                    1. The Rhur
                      1. Hyperinflation
                        1. ?
                        2. Gustav Stresmann
                          1. Money Treaties
                            1. Peace Treaties
                            2. Golden Years
                              1. Culture
                                1. Backlash
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