γδ-T cells


Mind Map on γδ-T cells, created by Elham Fakhri on 13/11/2013.
Elham Fakhri
Mind Map by Elham Fakhri, updated more than 1 year ago
Elham Fakhri
Created by Elham Fakhri almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

γδ-T cells
  1. Therapeutic use
    1. cancer immunotherapy
      1. availability of synthetic drugs such as zoledronate, pamidronate and phosphoantigen BrHPP (Bromohydrin Pyrophosphate) etc that selectively activate γδ T cells has allowed for γδ T cells to be used for clinical trials.
      2. Role in humans
        1. Immunoregulation
          1. Infectious disease
            1. HIV
              1. Enter text here
              2. IL- 4, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-17 against extracellular pathogens
                1. TNF and IFN-γ are involved in acting against viruses and intracellular pathogens
                2. Cancer
                  1. IFN-γ, IL-6 and GM-CSF are implicated in tumour-induced inflammation
                    1. Cancer Immunotherapy
                      1. recognise and migrate to tumour sites their and attack tumours
                    2. autoimmune/hypersensitivity
                      1. IL-4 and IL-13 are involved in asthma and allergy reactions
                    3. Subsets
                      1. Vδ1
                        1. spleen, thymus,dermin, liver and gut epitelia
                          1. predomintate during fetl and early life in PB, minotrity in adults
                          2. Vγ9Vδ2 most abundant
                            1. peripheral blood
                              1. Tnaive
                                1. TCM Central memmory
                                  1. TEM Effector memmory
                                    1. TEMRA
                                      1. IL-17 producers
                                      2. Vδ3
                                        1. liver and gut epithelia
                                        2. expression of the V regionn of the gd TCR chians
                                        3. Background
                                          1. Gamma/delta T cells form a unique subset of CD3+ T lymphocytes expressing structurally distinct γδ heterodimers as their antigen receptors
                                            1. under 10 % of the total T cell count in the body
                                              1. both innate effector functions and adaptive immune response
                                                1. cause antibody dependant cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) via the FC γRIII (CD16) receptors followed by rapid secretion of cytokines and chemokines
                                                  1. respond to phosphoantigens (of microbial origin) and are activated to proliferate and carry out their immune effector functions
                                                    1. Once activated cause present antigens to CD4+ and CD8+ cells
                                                      1. activated by low molecular non peptide phosphoantigens
                                                        1. IPP, HMBPP
                                                          1. secrete cytolytic factors such as granzymes and perforins, along with chemokines (eg. Lymphotactin, RANTES) and immunomodulatory cytokines such as TNF, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-17, IL-13, IL-22, and GM-CSF
                                                            1. against invading pathogens or endogenous stress.
                                                        2. γδ T cell arise from DN2 and DN3 stage
                                                          1. receptors similar to those found on NK cells
                                                            1. involved in tissue repair and epithelial cell regeneration

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