Dopaminergic Pathways


Mind Map on Dopaminergic Pathways, created by J.J. Lopez on 27/02/2022.
J.J. Lopez
Mind Map by J.J. Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
J.J. Lopez
Created by J.J. Lopez almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Dopaminergic Pathways
  1. Mesolimbic Pathway
    1. In charge of Motivation, emotions, reward and positive symptoms
      1. Moves DA from VTA to NA
        1. Ventral Tegmental Area
          1. Nucleus Accumbens
            1. mediating motivational and emotional processes
            2. Image
            3. Lots of dopamine in Schizophrenia patients
            4. Mesocortical Pathway
              1. In charge of motivation, emotion, and executive functions.
                1. Little dopamine in Schizophrenia patients
                  1. This causes negative symptoms
                    1. First gen antipsicotics lower DA even more
                      1. This leads to a constant state of negative symptoms
                        1. Second Gen helps with this
                        2. Runs from VTA to Cortex
                          1. Image
                      2. Nigrostriatal Pathway
                        1. DA from SN to Striatum
                          1. SN: Substantia Nigra
                            1. Striatum: Caudate + Putamen
                            2. Mediate motor movment
                              1. Image
                                1. Blockade of Dopamine leads to:
                                  1. Parkinsons or EPS
                                    1. EPS: Extraprimidal Symptoms
                                      1. Akathisia
                                        1. Fidgeting
                                          1. Feeling restless like you can’t sit still. You may have the urge to tap your fingers, fidget, or jiggle your legs.
                                        2. Dystonia
                                          1. Involuntary Muscles
                                            1. When your muscles contract involuntarily. It can be painful.
                                          2. Parkinsonism
                                            1. Tremors
                                              1. Symptoms are similar to Parkinson’s disease. You may have a tremor, difficulty finishing thoughts or speaking, and stiff facial muscles
                                            2. Tardive dyskinesia
                                              1. Involuntary Face
                                                1. Facial movements happen involuntarily. You may make a sucking or chewing motion with your mouth, stick out your tongue, or blink your eyes a lot.
                                      2. Tuberoinfundibular Pathway
                                        1. Moves from the HT to to PG
                                          1. HT: Hipothalamus
                                            1. PG: Pituitary Gland
                                              1. Image
                                              2. Blocking D2 Receptors leads to:
                                                1. Hyperprolactinemia, which manifests as:
                                                  1. Amenorrea
                                                    1. Lack of Period
                                                    2. Galactorrea
                                                      1. A milky nipple discharge unrelated to the normal milk production of breast-feeding.
                                                        1. Can occur in women and men
                                                      2. Sexual Dysfunction
                                                    3. The TI pathway inhibits prolactin release
                                                      1. Prolactin causes the breasts to grow and make milk during pregnancy and after birth.
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