Civil War


Civil war project
Darrell McClanah
Mind Map by Darrell McClanah, updated more than 1 year ago
Darrell McClanah
Created by Darrell McClanah about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Civil War
  1. Abraham lincoln
    1. President
      1. Wrote and delivered gettysburg adress
      2. Battles
        1. Battle of bull run
          1. Date: July 16 1861
            1. Events
              1. Mcdowell marched from washington to sudley ford and flanked the confederate
              2. Confederates won won
                1. Generals: Stonewall jackson and irvin mcdowell
                2. Second battle of bull run
                  1. events
                    1. stone wall jackson takes union supply post at manassas
                      1. pope feels threatened because he could lose connections with dc.
                        1. start fighting union confederate fires artilary.
                          1. union retreats.
                    2. generals:Robert.E.Lee and John pope
                      1. Date:July 21 1861
                        1. Confederate won
                        2. Battle of Chancelorville
                          1. April 30 to may 6 1863
                            1. Known as lees perfect battle
                              1. events
                                1. lee split his troops
                                  1. stone wall jackson gets killed by friendly fire
                                2. Confederates won
                                  1. generals:Lee and Hooker
                                    1. Second bloodiest battle of the civil war
                                    2. Battle of antieram
                                      1. September,17,1862
                                        1. Aka battle of sharpsburg
                                          1. Bloodiest battle of the civil war
                                            1. events
                                              1. 40,000 confederate troops traveld
                                                1. Troops met along antietam creek and fought.
                                              2. Union win.
                                              3. Battle of shiloh
                                                1. Gained control of the mississipi
                                                  1. Grant got the name unconditonal surrender grant
                                                    1. Events
                                                      1. Each side gained and lost ground
                                                        1. Ohio force helped grant gain more ground.
                                                          1. Both sides claimed victory
                                                        2. union won.
                                                        3. April 6 1862
                                                        4. Battle of vicks burg
                                                          1. events
                                                            1. they camoflauged their ship
                                                              1. They got through and started shelling vicksburg
                                                                1. vicksburg nearlly gets starved ti dearh
                                                                  1. vicksburg surrendered
                                                            2. Mid may 1863
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