Tissue membranes are physical barriers


chapter 4
Jeannene Rumball
Mind Map by Jeannene Rumball, updated more than 1 year ago
Jeannene Rumball
Created by Jeannene Rumball over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Tissue membranes are physical barriers
  1. tissue membrane forms physical barrier membranes (epithelium) that line/ cover body surfaces, which are supported by connective tissue
    1. TYPES
      1. Mucous membranes / mucosae line passgeways and chambers that communicate with exterior — digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary tract epithelial surfaces if the passageways must be kept moist (by mucus produced by mucous cells/multicellular glands) to: reduce friction and facilitate absorption and secretion lamina propria — areolar tissue component of mucous membrane simple columnar epithelial of digestive tract has mucous membrane that assist in absorption and secretion
        1. Cutaneous membrane skin that covers surface of body thick, waterproof and dry has stratified squamous epithelium and a layer of areolar tissue reinforced by dense connective tissue
          1. Synovial membrane lines joint cavity has serous fluid (lube) that fills joint cavities that lies at the end of articulating bones — protects the ends of bones membrane has extensive area of areolar tissue containing a matrix of interwoven collagen fibers, proteoglycans and glycoproteins does not have a true epithelium because: 1. develops within connective tissue 2. no basement membrane3. gaps up to 1mm — separates adjacent cells4. fluid and solutes continuously exchanged b/s synovial fluid and capillaries
            1. Serous membranes — thin, firmly attached to body wall and to organs they cover line the sealed, internal cavities of trunk — cavities that are not open to exterior minimize friction b/w surfaces it covers membranes have mesothelia (permeable) supported by areolar tissue volume of serous membrane, called transudate in this situation, can increase if there is hydrostatic and osmotic imbalance
              1. visceral portion (serosa) — covers outer surfaces of visceral organs
                1. parietal portion — lines inner surface of cavity
                  1. types
                    1. peritoneum — lines peritoneal cavity and covers abdominal organs
                      1. pericardium — lines pericardial cavity and covers heart
                        1. pleura — lines pleural cavities and covers lungs
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