Classification of Merchant Ships


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Yormary Gutierrez
Mind Map by Yormary Gutierrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Yormary Gutierrez
Created by Yormary Gutierrez about 3 years ago
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Resource summary

Classification of Merchant Ships
  1. Merchant vessels come in different sizes and shapes. It can be as small as a 6 m (20 ft) long diving boat, or as big as ultra large crude carrier (ULCC).
    1. Can be divided into different categories according to their size and purpose
      1. Cargo ships
        1. Passenger ship
          1. Passenger ships are primarily used for carrying passengers
            1. the category includes
              1. Ocean liners
                1. used as a form of transportation across seas or oceans.
                  1. Liners may also carry cargo or mail, and may sometimes be used for other purposes (such as for pleasure cruises or as hospital ships)
                    1. NOTE:: As of 2022, RMS Queen Mary 2 is the only ocean liner still in service
                2. Cruise ships
                  1. are large passenger ships offering pleasure trips.
                    1. they serve shorter routes with more stops along coastlines or islands.
                  2. Ferries
                    1. They carry passengers, cars, buses, trucks, etc.
                    2. Yachts
                      1. used for recreational purposes.
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