Signals and Systems


Graduate Signals and Systems (Introduction to Signals & Systems) Mind Map on Signals and Systems, created by ramya.raj7787 on 14/11/2013.
Mind Map by ramya.raj7787, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ramya.raj7787 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Signals and Systems
  1. Signal: A fn which contains some information or the physical variation of one quantity w.r.t. other
    1. Continuous Time and Discrete Time
      1. CT : x (t)
        1. DT: x [n]
          1. CT -> Sampling -> DT
          2. Conjugate Symmetric and Conjugate Skew Symmetric
            1. CS: x(t) = x*(-t); x [n] = x* [-n]
              1. CSS: x(t) = -x* (-t); x [n] = -x* [-n]
              2. Period and Non-periodic
                1. P: x (t) --> x(t+T) = x(t); for all t & T element of R-{0}; x [n] --> x[n+N] = x[n]; for all n; N element of Z-{0}
                2. Energy and Power Signals
                  1. Energy Signal : 0 < E < infinity; P --> 0
                    1. Power Signal: 0 < P < infinity; E --> infinity
                    2. Real and Complex
                      1. Real : If the signal contains only real value
                        1. Else Complex Signal
                      2. System: An entity which extracts useful information from the signal or it processes the signal
                        1. Linear System
                          1. Obeys Superposition Principle
                          2. Time Invariant System
                            1. delayed version of i/p gives delayed version of o/p
                            2. Causal System
                              1. O/p depends on present and past i/p s
                              2. Stable System (BIBO)
                                1. Bounded i/p should give bounded o/p
                                2. Invertible System
                                  1. x(t) must be able to be obtained from y(t)
                                  2. Memoryless
                                    1. O/p depend only on the present i/p
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