
Mind Map by umbipela2003, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by umbipela2003 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Investigating and Analyzing
    1. 4: presented the main findings of relevant research.
      1. 3: described the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
        1. 1: i explained and justified the solution to a problem
          1. 2: stated and prioritized the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the ptoblem, with minimal guidance
          2. Developing Ideas
            1. 2:presented feasible ideas, and outlined the key features wich can be interpreted even by others
              1. 1:developed a list of success for the solution
                1. 3: presented the chosen design describing the key features
                  1. 4: created a planning diagram wich outlined the main details for making the chosen solution
                  2. Creating the Solution
                    1. 1:outlined a plan wich considersthe use of resources and timesufficient for peers to be able to follow to create a solution
                      1. 3:followed the plan to create the solution wich function as intended and is presented appropriately presented
                        1. 2: demonstrated excellent skills when making the solution
                          1. 4: listed the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution
                          2. Evaluating
                            1. 4: outlined the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
                              1. 1:outlined simple relevant testing methods, wich generated data, t measure the success of the solution
                                1. 2: outlined the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing
                                  1. 3: outlined how the solution could be improved
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