Feature Article Structure


Mind Map on Feature Article Structure, created by anouskatarren on 14/11/2013.
Mind Map by anouskatarren, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anouskatarren almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Feature Article Structure
  1. Headline
    1. must be effective
      1. grabs attention of reader
        1. highlights main topic
          1. persuades reader to continue reading
            1. includes key words
            2. Introduction
              1. Outlines subject or theme
                1. Provokes the readers interest
                  1. establish writers tone
                    1. Heighten drama of the event
                      1. establishes relationship between reader andwriter
                        1. Invites reader to take side
                          1. Provides neccessary background info
                          2. Main Body
                            1. consist of multiple paragraphs
                              1. expand main topic into sub topics
                                1. take main point and expand
                                  1. Can include subheadings if neccessary
                                    1. personal view points
                                      1. facts and statistics
                                        1. quotes and interviews
                                          1. opinions from authorities and experts
                                            1. Ancedotes and stories
                                              1. specific names places and dates
                                                1. Photographs tables diagrams and graphs
                                                2. Concluding Paragraph
                                                  1. leave a lasting impression on reader
                                                    1. reminds reader of main idea
                                                      1. encourage a change of attitude or opinion
                                                        1. suggest an appropriate course of action
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